Augmenting the Organic
Augmentations alter the organic base condition in terms of physical and mental feats, the alterations can either be minor such as neural networks which remain common to mostly everyone to extensive such as full body prosthesis, The dangers implied with extensive augmentations depend solely on the nature of the augmentation and the means in which is is implanted into a playing character, biotechnology for instance does not have too many invasive surgeries to implant but comes with other genetic risks. In the end the augmented human is a standard part of popular culture today and is used in broad areas such as media to military. Augmentations take time and resources to maintain and install and only players with license may do so. A heavy influence of illegal or stolen augmentations flood the black market, though these second rate jobs come with a higher rejection rate during surgery.
In Insilico, the distinction between human and cyborg are blurred to the point where it is difficult to determine where the term "human" ends and "cyborg" begins. Unless specified by the parents, every child undergoes nano-surgery in the womb for the implantation of a standard issue neural interface. This interface cradles the entire brain in a webbing of nano-optronic wiring, enabling communication with machines at near the speed of light. All capabilities, including hacking, data storage, and total body prosthetic capabilities are implanted, though not connected.
Neural interfaces are enabled module by module upon need and security clearance. Gemini Cybernetics keeps strict control over standards and who has their interface modules enabled. There are black market hackers and nano-surgeons who are capable of hacking the interfaces, which can enable some or even all of their capabilities. Such modifications are used for data storage, hacking, interfacing with exoskeletons, sensory augments, or cybernetic implants. Such modification are a double edged sword, however. The more modules are enabled, the more vulnerable an individual is to 'soul-hacking', or the hacking of the neural interface with the intent of accessing the brain itself. Such soul-hacking can be with the intent of reading and downloading long-term memory, programming an individual to perform certain tasks like a machine, or even the destruction of one's mind.
All cybernetic devices implanted within the body rely on single-chip electrolysis/nano-fusion reaction modules, effectively powering them from the water within the body. External devices, such as limbs require larger reactors, however the reactor output is strictly controlled through safety regulations. The Underground has devised ways to get around these safeguards, by either hacking the reactors or by developing lighter materials with which to build their prosthesis. Though AGIS works hard to control the output of the reactors, the use of illegally hacked units is rampant. Their only consolation is the knowledge that the output of such reactors is in direct proportion to their fuel consumption. AGIS, with the help of Gemini Cybernetics, strictly control the supply of hydrogen bottles and tracks their sale by HSN, or Human Serial Numbers, their version of Social Security Numbers.
Redesignation Act 2491
In response to calls to simplify designations for species, ARC have formally requested AGIS supply nomenclature for fabricants at various levels of mechanical and biological augmentation, with the aim to improve accuracy of census work, and Grey's scale and MASIA enforcement. For clarity, historical terms with pejorative connotations are listed also in "inverted commas", primarily to assist the layperson's assessment. Formal documentation, from the accession of this Act, if referring to the pejorative, must indicate the pejorative status of the term (for example, by including the quotation marks), and preferentially also listing the non-pejorative term too.
In the absence of a specific classification, the generic adjective coupled with either the baseline species designation or, in cases of augmentation levels of 5 and over, maximal designation. For example, a level 2 augmented allogene may be formally referred to as a lightly augmented allogene. Where specific classifications exist, it is acceptable to use either the specific or generic classification, though the specific is preferred to avoid confusion particularly in the case of mechanical artificial species. A level 4 augmented human may be referred to as either a heavy augment or a heavily augmented human. Provisional reclassifications are summarised below:
**These are purely IC terms, the meter will only reflect the baseline designation for each race**
Level | Indication | Generic adjective | Human | Fabricant | Artificial** | Allogene ("mutant") |
0 | Baseline | Unaugmented | Human | Fabricant | AI | Allogene |
1 | Minor | Minorly augmented | Minor | Minor | Basic (drone) | Minor |
2 | Light | Lightly augmented | Light | Light | Automaton | Light |
3 | Medium | Moderately augmented | Augment | Augment | Artificial | Augment |
4 | Heavy | Heavily augmented | Heavy | Heavy | Heavy | Heavy |
5 | Near-maximal | Near-total | Near cyborg | Near saphiant | Near akloniton | Near synolant |
6 | Maximal | Total | Cyborg | Saphiant | Akloniton | Synolant |
**It should be noted that this is not a replacement for MASIA, and is entirely independent of it - mechanical artificials are still rated with this classification.
BioLine™ EE3
Modern biotechnology could not exist without nano technology which aids in the assistance of genetic augmentations. On rare occasions there are complications in such procedures such as an autoimmune diseases in which the body interprets the nanites as a virus and rushes to defend itself creating complications in the subjects immune response system. In such cases the patient is injected with a biomolecular solution (BioLine™ EE3) tailored to shut down the nanites activities and flush them from the system.
BioLine™ EE3, created and controlled by AGIS, is specifically designed to target nanites that are compromising someones immune system. The host nanites programming is designed for molecular level surgery to help aid in the structuring of specific biomechanical augmentations. These nanites have a limited life cycle, whereupon the moment their tasks are complete, they will automatically flush themselves from the body including any accumulated nano material.
- Follow link for Augmentation Diseases
Follow this link for Available Augmentations