!!Your character sheet is now tied directly to the meter and you should be using the terminal to create it. The I1 is constantly being updated so we have not implemented everything into it as of yet but it's all coming. Please go to the Welcome Center inworld to create your character and refer to: http://isrps.marzradio.com/help.html and http://isrps.marzradio.com/help_character_sheet.html for help setting up your meter. If you need additional help, feel free to contact any of us inworld!!!
This system uses random elements to decide the outcome of your actions based on your skills and attributes. There are several ways to approach conflict/combat roleplay, one is through the use of dice. Another is the meter system which allows you to shoot and damage a player physically. Next we have freestyle where players choose for themselves the outcome of their actions through post order where no single player has the ability to overpower or steamroll anyone else's chances. Lastly we have hybrid roleplay which can be a mix of any of the styles mentioned so long as everyone participating in the scene agree on what style of roleplay to use.
This post covers only the dice for combat/conflict scenarios. The easiest way to roll the i1 dice is the command "/11 roll" without the quotes; this will roll a random number between 1-100. To roll a specific skill, you use the command '/11 roll (skill)'. You are trying to roll under the applicable target number.
Making Tests
In order to pass a test you need to roll under the modified target number. The range of difficulty affects how much the target is modified(see table below). If you fail your roll, you should wait at least an hour before attempting again. If you critically fail, you must accept the failure as permanent.
Difficulty Modifiers:
Complex: -10 to designated skill
Difficulty: -20 to designated skill
Challenging: -30 to designated skill
For instance Mojo wants to hack through a door; however the door is heavily secure with a Difficulty modifier giving the designated skill(hacking) a negative twenty. His base hacking skill is 60 however with the modifier of the door it drops it to 40 (60-20 = 40) So he must roll under a 40 in order to successfully hack the door. Mojo rolls a 51 on his dice and is over 40 thus he fails to hack the door and must wait an hour before attempting again.
When To make Tests & Apply Modifiers
The short answer is whenever you want to. Ideally, you do not want/need to roll every time you do something minor or when the scene demands progression. Knowing when to make a test or not is a talent. Additionally you may want to apply modifiers to rolls to heighten or lower the difficulty. Static locations and difficulties may be present and you simply need to ask for the modifiers; otherwise feel free to apply the modifiers as a situation demands. When playing with a group, ensure that the players all agree on a set difficulty if you are applying it to a scene or simply ask a Moderator to make a modifier as needed.
Working Together
If you are attempting a modified roll, you can enlist the help of other players. Designate someone as the leader for the roll, preferably whoever has the highest skill chance of succeeding. For every additional player helping perform the task, add a +10, up to 30.
For instance Mojo was upset he couldn't hack that door so came back with two friends to help him do it. He knows the door is -20 Difficulty. However, because his two buddies help, this gives him +10 each to his roll. So an additional +20 is added back thus negating the difficulty modifier. He rolls the dice and rolls 48 which is well below his 60% hacking skill. He is able to hack the door and finally enter the building.
Critical Rolls
Sometimes we not only succeed at a task but do so which such finesse its worthy of bragging about. Or we fail so horribly we curse the gods. These supreme feats come down to critical rolls. Normally, critical rolls happen when a dice is rolled as a double digit such as 44 or 77. If the critical roll is OVER the target number, it is a critical fail. If it is UNDER the target number, it is a critical success. Critical rolls always trump regular rolls, even if the regular roll is a higher number, and critical rolls during initiative always go first.
Contested Rolls
Sometimes you need to make rolls against other players. Usually this involves fighting but can include sneaking, investigation or any other action that directly involves another entity or character. If you are caught in an action, you cannot(and should not) immediately flee the scene via teleport or other methods. You must give the other player a chance to respond and accept the consequences.
To make a contested roll: both players roll an appropriate attribute or skill. If only one player rolls successfully, they have won the roll. If both players succeed, the victory goes to whoever rolled the highest. If both players fail, or happen to roll the same number, they are deadlocked, until another action breaks the tie.
For instance: Mojo enters the office building and sees a security guard reading a magazine, he wants to give the guard the slip and rolls against his sneaking skill of 40. Mojo rolls a 36 and succeeds his roll. The guard rolls his perception of 35 and rolls a 12, also succeeding his roll. But Mojo rolled so he manages to sneak past the guard without him noticing.
In the world of Insilico, it is only a matter of time till you run up against a tough situation which will demand you make every effort to survive. Combat ensues whenever two characters face off and begin assaulting one another. Remember that, while the actual scene may take awhile, the 'real' time of the encounter will have flowed more naturally and quickly. A good rule of thumb is that each turn accounts for roughly 10-30 seconds of 'real' time. I have broken down the combat into phases so you may better understand the flow of combat.
1. Initiative.
-Only roll this for groups of 3 or more. Each character involved will roll initiative(/11 roll initiative). Whoever scores the highest, or crit success, goes first, followed by the second and so on until the round is over. Critical successes always move first before anyone else, even if the other rollers score a higher number. If two players roll the same number, they should reroll.
2. Make a contested roll.
-Players should post their attempted action then roll. If the player rolls successfully, the target player rolls to contest. If both players are successful, the higher roll wins. If one player succeeds and the other fails, the successful player wins the contested roll. If both fail, nothing happens. If a critical success is rolled on attack, the roll is not contested. If the defender rolls a critical then the attack is negated. If both players roll a critical success, they cancel each other out. This continues until all players have had their turn. It is very important to not jump post order during this time.
3. Determining the Scene End
-If no one is defeated then the next turn begins following the same steps until a player breaks off from the combat (successfully escapes) or is defeated.
Mojo set off a silent alarm and it doesn't take long for the guard to show up well armed.
Guard rolls his ranged weapon skill(50) trying to take a shot at Mojo and rolls 42, a success.
Mojo rolls his dodge(30) and rolls a 22, a critical success. The guard fails to hit Mojo and Mojo dances a jig while laughing.
Mojo decides to use his own pistol and fires back at the guard. He rolls a 56 against his ranged weapons(60). The guard rolls an 8 against his 40 dodge but Mojo rolled higher and scored a hit on the Guard.
The guard is lightly damaged by Mojo's shot and the round ends. A new round with a new set of actions will begin until one of them is either defeated or escapes.