INN Archives 2485

3 years 2 months ago #24 by INN
INN Archives 2485 was created by INN
ISS the New IPS?
Public Security Firm Signs Contract with Gemini

Insilico Security Services has officially become our fair City's newest protectors! Or, at least the eastern section of the City. Newly rebuilt after AEON Holdings leased it, East, as it is affectionately called, has become the shining bastion of corporate life with the upscale Fusion Nightclub and iconic Buddha Bowl. It is once again properly protected from those who would do us harm.

Insilico Security Services, or ISS, has established itself as the 'go to' security firm after NyCorp CEO Nyusha Yamasuka formally bought out Tinol Private Security some months back. Yamasuka is steadily carving out her niche within the city, owning clubs, cafes and ISS. Clearly, this has made her a familiar figure for Gemini and her recent meeting with JSD has secured her a lucrative contract from the powerhouse megacorp we all call family.

What does this mean for counter corp Nexus Industries? While NyCorp's star seems to be steadily rising, Nexus continues to plan parties and missteps. Recent rumours place two Nexus Internal Security members snatching a NyCorp employee from NyCorp's cafe and she appears to be still missing. Meanwhile, Richard Hughes, Nexus CEO, plans an uber elite masquerade to celebrate the New Year at the Seven Seas. Supposedly this is an invite only but you can count on your favorite reporter being on scene.

As for the Bunny Bomber, things seem to have gone quiet for now. Perhaps even the most ridiculous criminals observe the holidays, giving gifts of severed ears and slimy eyeballs to one another. Enjoy this small bit of quiet, one never knows what will happen next.

Happy New Year, dear Readers....

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Masks Off at the Masquerade
Wheeling and Dealing Unmasked as Party Goers Wine and Dine

The corporate elite turned out en masse for Nexus Industries' Under the Sea themed Masquerade last night. The guest list showed that anybody who's somebody was on scene to revel in hidden identities. NyCorp CEO Nyusha Yamasuka, AGIS CEO Eve Dimitriaski and various members of the fashion, media and security worlds were on hand, including recently reemployed Adam Caine and on the rise fashion model Bella Oxymyx. Fellow reporter Star Raven was working the crowd as this reporter enjoyed the scenery.

No expense was spared in the decorating; holographic fish swam above our heads as glowing anemones carpeted the floor. Gently glowing orbs floated amidst seaweed tangles, waiters...well one waiter conducted himself around the room with an acceptably stocked tray. Apparently this waiter was none other than Luke Tron, infamous womanizer, and there were more than a few snubbed women lingering around. Luke was seen getting into an altercation with one masked woman which nearly came to blows. His main squeeze, Nyusha Yamasuka, was busy working the crowd and locking lips with none other than Nexus CEO Richard Hughes.

What could this mean, dear Readers? Is a merger for NyCorp and Nexus in the future? Has Hughes finally moved on from notorious ice queen Coraline Sirius into the fiery embrace of Yamasuka? And what about the rumours that Hughes and Yamasuka are actually related? Is it all just malice directed at their ginger status or are they secretly distant cousins? When interviewed later, Hughes had this to say "It was Nyusha." Needless to say, dear Readers, it was a most unsatisfying conversation.

To be truly honest with you, Hughes was much more interested in discussing his most recent squabble with former employee Adam Caine. It seems that Caine's latest bridge burning was with Nexus, absconding with most of Hughes's private security team and running to Spectra Initiative, headed by fellow former IPS employee Fizz(no last name could be found). Hughes expressed surprise and frustration but the rest of the city is unlikely to share the sentiments. Caine is infamous for his ambition and public dismissal by Gemini. We can only wish Hughes more luck with his love life than his professional.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Nexus in Bed with AGIS
Dimitriaski Conducts Takeover with Hughes

In a surprising turn of events, Nexus Industries CEO Richard Hughes officially signed a deal with AGIS CEO Eve Dimitriaski making AGIS the majority stockholder. With this deal, Nexus will now be considered a subsidiary of AGIS, and Hughes an official AGIS employee.

AGIS seems to be branching out from their monopoly in the genetics field, turning their attention to investments within Insilico itself. The AGIS Medical Center was established over a year ago in the eastern sector before being relocated to the more impressive complex in south. Now they will hold shares in Hot Chix, 7Seas, Skygate Hotel and Spa, Fusion Nightclub and the iconic Buddha Bowl, running security and employees through the various locations.

This is quite the stroke of luck for Hughes, after it was recently reported that most of his internal security team had decamped to a competitor. This merger will offer him and his remaining employees opportunities and benefits that he would have been unlikely to afford otherwise. But it is a definite blow to other businesses in the area, withdrawing contract possibilities from security firms like Insilico Security Services and Spectra Initiative.

What does AGIS get out of all of this? The Advanced Genetics Institute of Science has long controlled the lion's share of genetic research, development and industry. They are the only legal cloners in the system and have been a Gemini partner for years. This will surely give them a stronger foothold within our fair city, but is this the calm before the storm? Is AGIS using Nexus out of sheer pity for Hughes's continuous miscalculations and tendency to trust people he shouldn't? Or are we on the brink of another corporate war between Gemini and a partner corp who gets too big for their boots?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Pigeons and Strippers
Skygate's Petting Zoo and Old Faces in New Places

Skygate Hotel and Spa has long been considered the place for relaxation, pampering and a quiet night's rest. Now you can add cooing and pooing to that mix. It seems that there has been a recent pigeon infestation and Richard Hughes, owner of the Skygate, is at a loss to get rid of them. He has reportedly been ripping out his hair and avoiding main squeeze, Nyusha Yamasuka, while attempting to deal with the problem. Residents and visitors are requested to cover their faces and vitals while entering and exiting the pest ridden building.

Just where did these pigeons come from? Is this a practical joke played by teens living in the area? Is this some odd form of retaliation from the recent Nexus/AGIS merger? Of course that begs the question of just who would be retaliating in such a manner? Or is this some attempt to get the Skygate closed down, forcing Nexus and AGIS to take a financial hit?

Speaking of Hughes's lady friends, it seems that the Reaktor Stripclub has hired some new employees. Hughes has long been an executive manager of the club, helping long time owner, Betz Dagger, keep the place running during her absences. And the newest dancer is gathering quite a following despite her penchant for a muzzle that reminds the onlooker more of Hannibal Lector than Ron Jeremy.

Just who is this super secret dancer? dear Readers, the swirling rumours led your favorite reporter on a journey of discovery to inspect this woman myself. There was quite the crowd when I entered but the dancer was luckily front and center. It appears that the longstanding tradition of IPS strippers continues. I promptly took some close up snaps so that you, my dearest Readers, can decide for yourself: Vote on the Secret Identity!

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Insilico has AIDS
Gemini Announces IPS's Return

Insilico Private Security, once our fair city's premier protecting force, was disbanded months ago as Gemini made a shift towards centralized security measures. Yesterday, they announced a reinstatement of IPS but with a twist. Instead of recruiting from the populace, IPS will consist soley of AI's known as Autonomous Insilico Defense System, AIDS for short, and can be seen on patrol, by foot and in Heavy Insurgence Vehicle. Gemini likely expects that using AIDS will end the unpleasant history surrounding IPS. The security group has long been plagued by claims of incompetency, brutality and corruption; filling its ranks with Drones will surely safeguard from ongoing issues.

What does this mean for our fast growing independent security firms? Gemini claims no changes will occur to its current contract with ISS. It appears that this growing force of AI's is simply here to augment security and relieve some burden on JSD. Although, perhaps it is merely another way for the infamous Joint Security Division to keep its all seeing eye upon those who would cross its parent corp. Gemini suggests anyone with questions, comments or concerns, contact the Sector Tactical Division for more information.

Speaking of security firms, it seems competition may be heating up between ISS and Spectra. dear Readers, you may recall that my last report spoke of the NIS defection to Specta and the subsequent buyout of Nexus Industries by genetic giant, AGIS. It seems that AGIS CEO, Eve Dimitriaski, is exercising some serious charity, upholding a verbal agreement between Nexus and Spectra. Why is this charity, you ask? AGIS is hardly unprotected, easily stocking a security force with any and all genetic benefits they could want. So what convinced AGIS to take pity? Perhaps because ISS is simply better at getting the contracts, especially with Spectra staffing disgraced citizen Adam Caine. With that shadow hanging over Spectra's head, it is unlikely that they will benefit from Gemini contracts any time soon.

Also new and shiny, Insilico is now home to its very own Sky Diner. This is a fast growing trend in our sister cities and one has finally arrived. Just what is a Sky Diner, you ask dear Readers. A Sky Diner literally floats around the city, drifting from one point to another, giving patrons and riders alike a spectacular scenic experience. Recent sightings suggest it is currently hovering in the southern sector, make sure to find a sky taxi or hover car and check it out.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Richard Lawson: the Man, the Life, the Legend
A City in Mourning, One Year Later

Man of the Year, IPS Director, Champion of the Pleasure Industry, Protector of our fair City's sanctity, Richard Lawson was many things to many people. January 20th, 2484, the city suffered a great loss that is felt even today. Richard Lawson was brutally murdered by persons unknown during a rallying speech about a victory against Tokuma Heavy Industries and the Ghost Dragon Syndicate.

But just who was Richard Laweson? Many only knew him through his charitable works and time as the Director of IPS. Saving endangered species and funding pleasure workers was a particular soft spot for him. With his help, PETA has saved thousands of animals, using them to feed the many homeless that struggle the most without him. The Pleasure Industry has posthumously awarded him the 'Big Papi' and 'Godfather of Pleasure' awards for his many hours, and credits, spent caring and teaching them business skills. Given the incredible task of reforming IPS's tarnished image, he chose a more peaceful path. He implemented sandwich boards and insurance instead of guns, believing that only through love and acceptance, would IPS ever truly fulfill its potential. Gemini has also declared January 20th 'Day of Laweson' for his sacrifice in the line of duty, agreeing to his final wishes as outlined in his will.

But what about his personal life? Lawson was known for his devout adherence to a personal creed, now commonly known as The Church of Laweson. He advocated for self satisfaction and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. He believed that life was too short to be spent refusing pleasure through false religions, rebelling against the concept of denial. He loved nothing more than alcohol, relaxation and the company of as many beautiful women as he could buy. This practice has led to an almost cult like following, signs and 'lawesonites' regularly seen on the streets, promoting his unique outlook.

And just what were his final wishes? Richard Laweson made just a few simple requests: that his DNA be taken to AGIS, that his entire bank account be frozen and that his face never be forgotten in the City he loved so much. dear Readers, our fair City has dimmed a bit with the loss of this wonderful man. We look forward to seeing him again, in whatever life that may be.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
To Kill A Clone
Alice Liddel: Killer Clone or Innocent Victim?

Gemini hearings are rare these days. Our post THI world seems to suggest that the sensationalized trials are a thing of the past. But, last night major players in JSD, NyCorp and AGIS were gathered within a small room on the east side. Here, testimony was heard about whether Adam Caine had murdered one Alice Liddel. Ugly charges were brought against him: murder, kidnapping, blackmail, fraudulent security practices; Caine maintains Liddel was an illegal clone.

dear Readers, you may be asking yourselves: what is the real story?

Who is Alice Maddigan Liddel? Not much is known about the victim. Sources say she was a quiet employee for NyCorp, working at Aftermath Club as a bartender and dancer. One night, she wandered into NyCorp owned Kauffehaus, ordered a drink, chatted with fellow employee Naomah Beaumont and was subsequently taken hostage by Caine and one Zion Volos, a subordinate of Caine's in the now defunct Nexus Internal Security. She was never seen again.

In last night's hearing, Caine's explanation is cold. Simply put, they "disposed of her." Caine maintains that Liddel was an illegal clone, based off of DNA samples given to a 'Doc' Faith. No records indicate that Faith has a current license to conduct any kind of medical practice, much less declare a clone 'illegal'. Caine lays the blame for Liddel's death squarely on the shoulders of AGIS CEO Eve Dimitraski, claiming she directed him to terminate based on the idea that Liddel was not AGIS sanctioned.

Is this true? Was Liddel a clone that had snuck through AGIS's biometric tests? dear Readers, we may never truly know. It seems that instead of turning Liddel's body over to AGIS, Caine simply "disposed of her," depriving Liddel of a chance to clear her name from rumours of connection to the Bunny Bomber and, very sadly, any family members a chance to lay to rest a sister or daughter.

And just what is Dimitraski's take in all this? Why would she give anyone, much less such a bumbler, clearance to murder? Or, perhaps there is more to the story. From an email received in my inbox:

It has come to my attention that Eve M_33 which has paved the way to our freedom and self governing progress has become emotionally compromised towards one Adam Caine, ex director of IPS. She has of late been acting without consulting the main body of the corporation for her own personal interests such as buying up majority shares of Nexus corporation, organizing & funding private security branches parallel to our own security divisions, hiring Caine as an unlicensed outside clone hunter as well as using her position and influence to empower Caine to operate in an unofficial capacity for AGIS.

I have evidence that Eve M_28 was not the criminal mastermind that was presented to the consortium but instead a stock model that was not even fully mature according to genetic data which was thought to be wiped from the main servers. A back up was made on a secure cloud and stored in a buffer which was thought to be deleted however during a routine inspection this data was retrieved indicating that Eve M_28 was in no physical or mental condition to have conducted the crimes she confessed to.

It is apparent that Eve M_33 sacrificed M_28 in an attempt to steer blame away from herself and her involvement with Caine in an attempt to pursue illegal business relations. I would also like to propose that ACR-13 could not have been programmed by M_28 to sabotage business relations and the only reason for the confession would be to hide M_33 direct involvement with these actions.

Eve Dimitriaski M_34

Just what is going on?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
The Citizen Representative
Gemini Announces Elected Liason Position

Dear Readers, today Gemini made an exciting announcement: the newly created position of Citizen Representative. What does this mean for our fair city? This will be a direct link between the citizens and Gemini's reclusive Board of Directors. Elections for this prestigious position have not yet been scheduled but please understand, dear Readers. This is YOUR chance to choose who will be your voice to the Corp that has given us so much. Please read the following information carefully, it will make clear who is eligible for the position and the duties involved.

The Citizen Representative is a position of honor and duty in service to the city of InSilico. This person shall be elected by popular vote to serve as the Corporation’s official liaison officer to the registered populace, an advisor to Gemini regarding policies affecting civil life and security, and be the custodian of citizen concern for a term of one year. There shall be no term limits, however a yearly election will be held where registered citizens have the opportunity to either reaffirm their current Representative, or elect a new Candidate to the position.

Those seeking to run as a Candidate for this office must meet the following criteria:

• Must be at least 25 years of age.
• Must be a Human of no greater classification than Functional Augment on the Grey Scale.
• Cannot be a Clone, registered or otherwise.
• Must be a registered citizen of InSilico.
• Must have resided in InSilico for at least 2 consecutive years prior to election.
• Must have no significant criminal background, with no outstanding warrants, Gemini bounties or active license revocations.
• Must never have had their citizenship revoked for any reason or period.
• Cannot currently be employed by the UBC, Gemini Cybernetics, its subsidiaries or corporate partner, including AGIS.
• Cannot be employed or have been employed for a one year period by any corporation in direct market competition with Gemini Cybernetics, or that is currently or has been in legal or diplomatic dispute with Gemini Cybernetics.
• Cannot otherwise be in engaged in activity that would be considered a conflict of interests against InSilico or Gemini Cybernetics.
• Must be willing to sign standard Gemini Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete contracts upon being elected.

Upon being elected, the Representative shall be empowered to perform and hold to the following during their term of office:

• Cannot be terminated outside of an emergency vote or violation of candidacy requirements.
• Serve as liaison between the citizens of InSilico and Gemini Cybernetics.
• Advise Gemini Cybernetics on matters concerning the registered citizenship of its InSilico Operations, negotiate on their behalf, and be offered first review of new policy decisions.
• Appeal directly to the Board of Directors.
• Right of access to all non-corporate registered citizens.
• Create non-profit citizen and charity organizations.
• Hold public forums, events and conduct polls.
• Issue citizenship registrations to qualifying civilians.
• Issue operating licenses to citizen businesses based in InSilico.
• Serve as arbitrator between Gemini Cybernetics and registered citizens for non-criminal disputes and non-corporate matters.
• Initiate an Intracorp Affairs investigation into corporate citizens in matters of concern, employee conduct, or suspected illegal activity.
• Investigate non-corporate citizens and citizen businesses in matters of concern or suspected illegal activity.
• Attend Gemini criminal trials against non-corporate citizens and serve as a neutral party counsel.
- OR bring criminal charges against a non-corporate citizen and/or citizen operated businesses.
- OR defend a citizen or citizen businesses against criminal charges.
• Issue warrants to private security firms and offer bounties of ≤250Cr for non-corporate citizens charged with or accused of crimes.
• Issue fines and financial penalties against non-corporate citizens for non-criminal charges.
• Contract private security firms on behalf of Gemini Cybernetics for non-corporate matters relating to citizen protection in public venues or during public events.
• Directly request Join Services Division intervention in security matters.
• Emergency authority to summon the Joint Services Division in times of crisis.

Given the nature and privileges inherit to this office, the individual elected shall be contracted, insured and financially compensated by Gemini Cybernetics, but shall otherwise not be considered to be employed by the Corporation, its subsidiaries or partners. A Representative’s enumerated authorities cannot be diminished or removed without mutual concession; however additional authorities may further be permitted should Gemini Cybernetic’s InSilco Operations choose to defer them.

These are fascinating times we live in.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Triton's Demise
Loose Lips Sink Triton's Ships

Triton: the largest moon of Neptune; the mythological Greek god and messenger of the sea.

For many, these are the definitions that they are familiar with; for a select few, Triton also stood for an elite counter-terrorism unit that has been disbanded after the parent corps yanked funding. If you were wondering what those '[REDACTED]' sections of the recent Caine/Liddel hearings were, your curiosity has been purged.

Triton was jointly funded by the Advanced Genetics Institute of Science(AGIS), Vander Air & Space Corp(VASC) and our very own Gemini Cybernetics, containing members of VASC, AGIS and JSD with a few wild cards. It was created to combat terrorism with no limits on jurisdiction, allowing the unit to function on any planet under any conditions against any enemy. Unfortunately, controversial member Adam Caine has shown that his ego is greater than the good of others.

At the hearing, Caine attempted to bring up sensitive information regarding Triton before being stopped by former AGIS CEO Eve Dimitriaski m.33. What followed has been an information nightmare for the shadowy unit. Rumours have been flying about hackers trying to unlock the transcripts and information brokers offering rewards for any knowledge regarding the hearing. But the final blow came when NyCorp CEO, Nyusha Yamasuka, approached Dimitriaski and asked outright. Yamasuka was called in as a witness during the hearings, leaving as witness to even more.

Triton stands as testimony to what can happen when one man's bumbling triumphs over a common cause. Caine has long been known for his shortsightedness, it seems his practice of putting the city in danger has continued even after his removal from IPS. Sightings of convicted terrorist, Harper 'Zero' Trager, and rumours of reviving syndicate activity only remind us of how badly things were handled during his tenure as Agent and Director.

dear Readers, consider this: Triton was created as a multi-corporate interstellar counter-terrorism unit. It was trained on Mars and was kept hidden away from public eye, likely to protect its Agents in the shadowy world they worked. Why was it created? Is there more to the story than can be seen on the surface? Just why do we need an interstellar CTU? How much danger has Caine put us in? And where is the danger coming from?

Is there worse yet to come?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Comic Goes Atomic
Only Massive Crater Left Behind

Atomic Comic, the oldest surviving shop in North, has gone from us. This afternoon, a massive explosion decimated the little corner store, tearing a hole through the street and sending debris plummeting onto the unlucky Underground. Death tolls are unreported as of yet and it is unclear whether anyone was inside Atomic when it blew.

Atomic Comic was a private collection of Fifth Aeon's, which he turned into a shop. It was originally in West but was relocated to North just in time to avoid the jettison. Management has transferred a few times since then, but the company and assets are still owned by AEON Holdings. The cost of this devastation is nearly impossible to calculate, many of the comics being considered priceless.

"That fuckin' hole-in-wall has survived terrorists, West, an' a string of incompentant managers. Just 'cause it's missin' a few walls an' floors doesn't mean I'll be closin' it down. Hell, that explosion weren't even worthy of Atomic's name...So, ya. We'll reopen. It'll be back." Aeon's response is heartwarming and inspiring to those who might feel fear in the face of such rampant destruction.

dear Readers, what could this mean? Atomic is next door to The Shades and there have been rumours that the Syndicate is pushing its weight around in the northern sector. The Syndicate, most notoriously the Ghost Dragons, has been quiet in the recent months, dealing with major hits around the system from an unknown source, leaving our fair City at moderate peace. There have been some amateur attempts at bombings and murders but nothing on the scale of tonight's injury. For some, this incident brings back memories of last winter's Hachiban Bombing and the assassination of Richard Lawson. Could this be the Syndicate's act of war on those who don't comply? Sightings of infamous bomber, 'Zero', and the rebuilding of The Shades into what could only be called a stronghold suggests the Syndicate is on the move again.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Citizen Representative Candidates
Three Citizens Throw Their Names in the Pot

dear Readers, today is a special article. Gemini recently announced the creation of the prestigious Citizen Representative position, allowing our citizens to have a direct line of communication to the Gemini Board itself. In the past month, we've had three people announce their intention to run in the upcoming April 1st elections.Without further ado, I give you your candidates, telling you why to vote for them, in their own words:

Zion Volos: has never been a CEO, board member, or anything resembling a director, which is what makes him the perfect person to represent you.

Doctor Ophelia "Omega" Faith: I have been behind the charity organization "Phoenix Foundation. Aiding homeless and CID#-less with free medical aid, free food, and free learning skill sets for employment with the city's many corporations.

Now I am putting in to get votes for the Citizen Representative.

The city needs a go between to aid communications with the people of this city, and the corporation that owns it. This communication can help greatly reduce the incidents of chaos and anarchy currently erupting through Insilico.

I can be that communication. The Foundation has strived for the improvement of humanity's situation in this stage of its life, the Citizen Representative can be a great leap forward in improving the situation of humanity right here in our city.

Miss Nyusha ZoryAna Yamasuka: The CEO/Director of the NYCORP corporation and Insilico Security Services. Born and raised in Ny Zurich with a background in Applied Science Engineering and Business. Previously devoting the majority of her life doing Research & Development in the banking and security industries of Ny Zurich.

Hello, I'm running for the position of City Representative because I believe in a brighter future for all citizens, small businesses and Corporations. I have reached out to inspire people to start their own businesses or to follow their ambitions and dreams. I encouraged the startup of the Severance Wellness Clinic which grew and eventually relocated to Luna. I encouraged Doc Faith in her none-profit organization startup endeavor "The Phoenix Foundation". I have also been supportive of "The Nexus Corporation" and it's role in providing employment and economic growth and stability in the city. This is despite the well known differences which Mr. Hughes and I have at times. I have in the past help people find jobs working for AGIS. I will continue to support business and economic development as City Representative. I will continue to help people find work based upon their interest, ambitions and skills.

When I first came to this city, I did not know what to expect. I was born into a family of privilege and raised in one the most opulent places in the solar system. I came here with the intention of learning, witnessing and even experiencing what it was like for people on "this other side" of life. A bit in the same manner a prince named Siddhārtha Gautama did in 6th century BC. This prince went on to become known as Buddha. The reminders of him exist to this day, even in the name of a certain oriental food establishment on the east side of this city. However, I make no claims of being the next Buddha. I have discovered enlightenment through various stories people shared with me. Some stories I was not expecting to here. Such as what life was like growing up on a makeshift city of sky barges, of the citizens eating rats due to the lack of other kinds of food, such as vat grown meat. I listened about how the terminally ill or sick are thrown overboard because they lack proper medical supplies or facilities. This also was the only means to prevent the spread of disease. I have chosen to share this particular story out of many, because it's the one which sticks out the most in my mind. It reminds me of who I am and how I myself grew up. Most importantly everything which is often taken for granted. If elected as City Representative I will carry out my duty in insuring that citizenship registration is streamlined, and is clear and easy process. That Fund raising events occur. That non-profit citizen and charity organizations are created to help citizens in need. Be it, food, medical or even basic shelter. To assist people in finding work, a career path or starting up their own businesses.

I'm running for City Representative because I understand the needs and desires of citizens not so privileged, the demands and needs of small business owners, having started out running my own small business (The Club Aftermath) in the City. I've also come to understand the problems and issues which city security is faced with. It's a completely different than one can imagine at times. Security is vital to the welfare of Citizens, city assets, small businesses and corporations within the city. It is a common shared interest. Spectra Security as does Insilico Security Services plays a vital role in the private security inside the city, however we should not overlook the critical role which JSD plays. It is unfortunate that the employment of humans was ended in IPS. Everybody is well aware that IPS was shut down for awhile. I felt a sense of deep remorse when Gemini shut down IPS, however I also understood why Gemini did it. As City Representative I will insure that all private security firms are fairly contracted with as outlined in the duties of this position. I strongly believe there is even room and opportunity for additional start-up private security firms.

If anybody is wondering about why I got into the private security business, they should know I was reluctant to personally become involved in it from the get go. Then when TPS was started up, I got behind them 100% for taking the bold move in being the first new private security firm. Not only in providing TPS with needed contracts to support their business, but I started to devote part of NyCorp resources in development of equipment for TPS, such as the bomb disposal containment units. Then TPS went through a period of collapse after it's CEO/shareholder bailed from the city. It was a very tense period of time for me. I had two options, to have NyCorp expand and develop it's own internal security division or step in and salvage what was left of TPS at the time. I felt it best to do the latter. I really didn't want to try and stuff everything under one big corporation. It was all about keeping a separate business entity alive. This all goes back to my views on Business Development in the city and how important it is. Plus there would be no confusion between a NyCorp employee and an ISS employee. It's also easier to manage keeping everything separate. Each business model has it's own unique challenges. The work environments are like night and day compared to one another, so are the demands. This has given me some unique insights which I believe are valuable for the City Representative position.

I've also some to understand the confusion citizens face with legal issues. It all can become rather overwhelming. When it comes to Rules and Regulations, trust me some of my own employee's have heard me consistently repeat and stress various laws. I even understand the history, reasoning and logic behind the AI laws. Part of the Duties of the City Representative position encompass knowing the laws and being able to defend people or otherwise become part of the process. It's not a popularity contest either. I realize this position is not for anybody. I'm already broken in with people questioning if I have had hidden agenda's at times. Hell, some people even wondered if I was behind subsequent bunny bomber attacks. This is part of the problem in this city though. That people's trust and faith has been so badly violated, that conspiracy theories abound. I can relate to how conspiracy theories get started though. There are though real conspiracies or shady things which occur at times in the city. Sadly many people lack the trust and confidence to report things. They either assume Gemini does not care, or worse yet believe Gemini is in on it all. Some people even have this notion that Gemini is going to strap them to a chair and execute them or something horrid. As City Representative it will be one of my goals to work with Gemini in cleaning up this negative image. To help repair and rebuild the trust. IPS had done a lot of damage over the years to Gemini's image. I'll be the first to openly admit, that I've not seen a lot of trust, love or respect for Gemini Cybernetics in the city. It's going to take a lot of work to rebuild trust and turn things around.

In my opinion Gemini did the right thing when they shut down IPS. I myself am relieved that they did. Somebody inside IPS at one time had been entertaining thoughts of framing me for a lot of terrorist bombings in this city. While I don't have any solid proof of this scheme or who exactly was behind. I have a pretty good idea. I'm very thankful Gemini shut down IPS though. Security should be about security as opposed to insecurity. I also think Gemini is making an amazing right move in creating the the City Representative position. It's designed to help them understand the issues of the citizens in this city. This will require me to be rather bold or blunt with Gemini at times. It's not a position for the faint hearted. Some people have this notion it's an easy position, that one gets to put their feet up on a desk and stare out a window all day long. Some may have this illusion that it's just another position which somebody can abuse and corrupt. In fact, I suspect some people out there are hoping and counting on that to happen. I know this position will not be scandal free. It will require me to give up even more of my personal life, I'll be the subject of gossip and even news headlines at times. Whoever wins this election also wins a great deal of responsibility and attention. I'm running for this position and I know there will be many challenges ahead.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
JSD Report: the SkyGate Murders
On March 3rd, 2485, an Eve unit entered the SkyGate Hotel lobby and murdered 4 people, including one of her fellow units, Eve m.32. In a joint effort, AGIS and JSD opened the investigation to our locally licensed security members, including those with registered bounty/AI licenses. The investigation was set on a short timeline, the intent: find the motive and identity of the killer.

After sorting through all the reports, these are the conclusions that we and AGIS have designated the most probable:

1. There is a high chance that the criminal unit is Eve m.33. For those who are familiar with the unit, commonly known as 'the Major', she is a combat model with training in the most hostile of terrains. She was once entrusted to run IPS and is familiar with city policies and laws.

2. It seems that the INN employee, Chas Alink, was murdered due to his resemblance to Adam Caine, suspended citizen. It is believed that 33 and Caine have a close, perhaps romantic, relationship. His death is a tragedy.

3. The motive. It is believed that 33 is out for 'revenge', stemming from an attempt by Eve m.34 to remove 33 from the active line, decommissioning her due to the aforementioned ties to Caine. A series of events over the past year has suggested that Caine is considered a liability to AGIS and 33's ties to him were becoming more and more detrimental.

These are the facts as far as can be recognized. We offer special thanks and credit to ISS and AGIS clone Bella Oxmyx for their exceptional investigating skills.

To all citizens of Insilico, Eve m.33 is considered armed and dangerous. Please use caution while on the streets and around any unidentified Eve models. We hope to resolve this matter in the very near future. If you have any information, please contact JSD members: Director Brenton Reed, Agent Conrad Wylder or Agent Eowyn Taylor.
An APB has been issued for Eve Dimitriaski Model 33 with a 2,000c bounty publicly issued to Bounty Net™. The conditions of the bounty are the immediate decommission of model 33 with no collateral damages. Due to the high profile of the Eve model and the numerous models in service within Insilico ascertaining the identity of the correct model has been left in the hands of AGIS certified android hunters (licensed). Upon careful review of the evidence collected at the crime scene we have discovered a unique brainwave pattern in regards to model 33 and have relayed that information the hunters. This evidence was collected when the model connected her neural network with model 32 and exchanged information.

Confirming the identity will be done with the use of a Empathy Acquisition Device (EAD). The hunter is tasked with asking a series of questions to the eve model in an attempt to identify her unique emotional responses. The amount of questions needed to be asked to identify the correct model remains unknown, however short of full genetic testing there is no other means for licensed hunters to obtain the correct identity at this time.

All hunters are required to be well armed (use the K10) and prepared for combat. Eve model 33 is a decorated war veteran designed for combat and served in SOG on Mars during several wars. We advise individuals do not operate independently but coordinate their combat efforts to take out this android. She is equipped with a raptor class combat chassis, nano-mesh fiber weave to stay off bullets and a heartbeat detector augmentation for pinpointing enemies. This is all the available information we could obtain that didn't fall under classified from her military records.
The Debate
Candidates Discuss Political Views in the Rain

East was sectioned off last night as crowds gathered to watch Zion Volos, Nyusha Yamasuka and Ophelia Faith discuss why the Citizenry should choose them. Each was given time to answer questions directed at them before being allowed to debate with one another. Eve Dimitriaski hosted the debate and was divine perfection, even in the rain that delayed the opening statements.

Each candidate was asked to make their platform clear, explain how they would help lead Insilico into a new era of collaboration with Gemini, our benevolent benefactors. Yamasuka's views were not surprising, basing her campaign on her history with the UBC and minimizing asset, especially property, loss while encouraging education and entrepreneurship. Volos, the quietest of the three, believes that simply working with the Citizenry and sharing their concerns with Gemini will be the best route. Faith's platform revolved around creating opportunities for the needy and downtrodden, a view that seemed at odds with those she desires to represent.

For the most part, it was a peaceful debate, very little mud slinging between candidates. There were a few ugly moments between Faith and Dimitriaski, clearly there is no love lost between them, Faith's grudge against AGIS and the Eves being well known. One campaign idea did seem to put the populace on edge though. The subject was about clones and the amount of freedoms they receive, many being technical citizens but maintaining fewer safeguards since they are considered consumer products vs legitimate members of the community. Faith's suggestion that the Citizenry receive weekly screenings and psychiatric consultation created an uproar, most notably by Bella Oxmyx, up and coming model and clone, and Wilhelm James, CEO of AEON Holdings.

Do clones deserve the same freedoms and rights as a normal Citizen? Does being a copy of a person make you equal to that person? All seem to agree that lower grade clones are not good for society, but asking the populace to regularly spend money for testing and talking seems a bit extreme. Faith also seemed to be severely confused by the difference between a Clone and a Fabricant, regularly citing the Killer Eve as justification for such clone testings.

Crime in general became a hot topic during the open Q&A session, even spurring your favorite reporter to take the stage with questions. While Faith rattled on about the history of law enforcement, Yamasuka and Volos took the questions to heart, offering realistic solutions. They have regularly collaborated in the area of law enforcement, Yamasuka with her Insilico Security Services and Volos with his bounty/AI licenses and computer skills. They both agreed that furthering the ongoing efforts of ISS, especially with Gemini contracts, would be most beneficial to the overall health and welfare of our fair City.

Overall, the debate offered a lot of words, a bit of snark and not much else. Many questions were deprived of realistic sounding answers though all Candidates seemed to show a knack for talking in circles. Volos clearly knows how to pick his battles, choosing to keep quiet on many of the snarkier comments and keeping things simple and concise. Yamasuka is, by far, the most well known of the three but her clear loyalty to United Banking Corp might end up hurting her in the long run. Faith is similiarly crippled with her history in Tokuma Heavy Industries, not to mention her blatant dislike for AGIS and even Gemini itself on many occasions.

Which Candidate do you like the best, dear Readers? Each has their strong points and their weak. With elections nearly upon us, the Candidates have only a small amount of time to finish shaking hands and kissing babies. We'll see you at the polls!

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
What Happened to Nexus Industries?

Greener Pastures or Darker Activities?

Nexus Industries, the well known entertainment and food corporation, seems to have grown steadily more quiet over the past few months. Once a major player in the clubbing and restaurant scene, recent purchases of Hot Chix and the Skygate Hotel and Spa by another company suggests that property investments have been released back on to the market. Richard Hughes also seems to have gone MIA from our fair City, whether out of town or out of time, no one seems to know. A trip to the local offices shows them not just closed up but horribly vandalized, covered in graffiti and garbage. Various other Nexus properties are quiet and neglected, without Hughes's usual good cheer and baked goods.

Just what happened to the fast growing company? Did Hughes's selling out to AGIS upset some of his former investors? Or did his rumoured ties to the Ghost Dragon Syndicate finally catch up to him in some way? dear Readers, we recovered some footage that seems to show several Nexus employees being led into a nearby alley and summarily executed. The footage itself is both graphic and frightening, the killers identities well hidden by some kind of hacking. Yet, if you visit that alley today, it is clean and empty of anything suggesting the murders took place. No blood, no bodies. Nexus seems to have disappeared completely.

Yet, shipping continues steadily with the Nexus brand on the cargo. Imports and exports do not seem to have skipped a beat during this period of disappearance and off city Nexus investments continue going strong. Just what is going on? Has Nexus decamped from Insilico due to high property prices and flagging market? Is there some kind of blackmailing going on? Has Hughes simply moved on, to greener pastures and darker activities? And, an increasing curiosity begs the question: just where is Richard Hughes?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
InSilico's Private Dick
New Investigator Opens For Business

"Lost soul, seeking adventure and employment. Questions answered, lost things found, truth assessed" The man smirked as he spoke, requesting a classified ad that sounded mildly pornographic in a gypsy fortune teller sort of way. Agares Tretiak is new to our fair City, a Private Investigator, looking for jobs of all types of espionage, with a willingness to be flexible, if the price is right(insert eyebrow waggle, dear Readers). His contact information is (contact Agares Tretiak inworld)

When asked about his arrival, he simply suggested that it was a new start. What kind of past does he have? One can only speculate, our fair City host to many looking for a second chance. Like it or not, our fair City seems to attract those with shadowy pasts. At least this one seems to be more interested in helping folks than murdering them.

dear Readers, it is good to be back from Mars. I can tell you all missed me from the avalanche of mail waiting for me. I look forward to getting back into the swing of things and hearing all the rumours and gossip I've missed. Rumblings of dismembered bodies and shadowy corporate movements have already reached my ears.

-Stormy Weathers, once again reporting
Outbreak in the City
Deadly Flu Leads to City Wide Quarantine

It has been a quiet summer in our fair City. Neither the corporations nor gangs have declared outright wars, crime and business going through their normal routines while the temperatures have warmed. Perhaps the heat has lead to a widespread feeling of goodwill to others, perhaps it has merely encouraged those with keener noses to stay away from the more dangerous areas. Rumours of a corporate buyout have spread but the citizenry seems content to wait and watch for the moment.

All that changed, dear readers, over the last few days. Earlier this month, AGIS discovered an odd outbreak among the homeless. While there is not much overt investment in keeping that specific population, they do serve a purpose from time to time. The excellent doctors within our Medical Center quickly identified and neutralized what appeared to be a robust form of influenza, a sickness that has long been considered nothing more annoying than the common cold. Vaccinations were had, all was well and no purging of the darker regions of our fair City was needed.

Sadly, that is not the end of the story. It seems that one unregistered slipped the net and found access to sweet, lovely Annie DeSade. Annie had merely gone out to share some food with friends, but came home feverish and unwell. She didn't last through the night. You might not know of Annie, dear Readers, but the DeSade name is widely known as a major handler of shipping, imports and exports, out of our very own Space Port. CEO William DeSade has demanded an immediate response from Gemini and the Joint Services Division, threatening to shut down his fleet until the carrier of this virus has been apprehended.

dear Readers, prepare yourselves. IPS AIDS have been reassigned from their standard patrols and placed under the authority of our very own Citizen Representative, Zion Volos. Representative Volos will be implementing a city wide Quarantine, placing check points through each sector to ensure proper vaccinations and citizenship. While it is always a good idea to have your identification cards on hand, it is now required to pass freely through our fair City.

What does this mean, dear Readers? Rumours are flying that this is no simple flu. That someone is seeking to cause harm to our very selves. To bring down the Citizenry and spread chaos and fear through illness. We must stay calm and overcome, fair InSilicans! Keep away from those you do not know, cooperate with the AIDS and AGIS personnel. REPORT those who seem to be ill or malnourished! Get yourselves vaccinated at the earliest convenience, wear masks if you have them! Do not fight the AIDS, they are here to protect you from those who do you harm.

Persevere, dear Readers, and we will show that none can bring down our fair City.

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
Unrest in the City
With Outbreak Toll Increasing, Citizenry Increasingly Violent

Today, JSD announced a plan to begin a more stringent inspection of the unregistered, homeless population. With increasing numbers of Citizens getting sick and no culprit identified, focus is being intensified where the initial illness began. Rumour has it that the AIDS have begun conducting nightly sweeps, taking in unregistered to be quarantined and questioned inside the IPS building in the southern sector.

In the wake of climbing numbers, more and more citizen on citizen violence is being reported. Panic is spreading and those who are sick are more likely to get shot before being helped. The AIDS remind you that reporting is the proper procedure, dear Readers. Shooting them will only spread the virus faster and further! Representative Volos held a public forum last night but many were afraid to leave their homes, even to offer their opinions on the increasingly heavy restrictions and lack of resolution.

So what does this mean, dear Readers? Watch out for yourself. Report those who are sick. Get yourself vaccinated and cooperate with the AIDS. If you see an unregistered in your vicinity, REPORT them. It is vital to the welfare of our Fair City that any and all unregistered be moved to the proper locations. And be sure to get vaccinated by a licensed AGIS medical member. Medical Director Dr. Tae Westing has asked that you not allow just anyone to approach you on the street with needle in hand. Rumours have been circulating that the more nefarious types have been using the panic to 'harvest' those foolish enough to let anyone stick them with a needle.

Stay safe out there, dear Readers.

-Laweson be with you, Stormy Weathers
IPS Takes a Hit
IPS Announcements Disrupted by Horrific Explosion

This evening started out promising. A representative from InSilico's Private Security, now completely automated, gathered the citizenry together for an exciting announcement. While the preliminary statements were standard Gemini reminders about licensing and respect for the deceased Richard Laweson, the most important statement followed shortly.

Gemini announced a plan called 'AIDS for Every Home'. Their intent is to install an automated member of IPS, an AIDS, into each household to further promote safety and security. While no one can argue the drastic drop in criminal activity, at least petty and non-Syndicate criminal activity, many citizens did not agree with the idea, some even claiming it as a 'joke'.

The Representative's reassurances, however, were short lived as it began shouting a threat warning before the building itself exploded, bombs going off on several levels before tumbling down onto the crowd itself. It seems the criminal element decided to strike back, causing severe injuries to many citizens, including your favorite reporter, and many deaths.

What does this mean? Has IPS gone too far? Is the Syndicate sending a reminder that, while quiet, they are not to be forgotten? Rumour has it that when the explosions occurred, all IPS AIDS around our fair City shut down and have yet to be restored to working order. There is no indication that the Joint Services Division has been called in, nor is there any certainty that the specialized group would be able to handle such large scale operations.

Readers, is our fair City about to tumble into chaos?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting
The China Affair
Everyone's Favorite Reporter Finds Intrigue Waiting

Dear Readers, you know better than anyone that your favorite Reporter, Stormy Weathers, enjoys mixing and mingling amongst you, taking in what you have to offer and sifting through all the rumours and facts for the very best story I can offer. Rarely, very very rarely, does a story simply fall into my lap.

But, dear Readers, this very moment, as I am writing this, it has!

After being checked out by the lovely AGIS medical personnel, I returned to my office to find some kind of meeting in progress at my very excellent conference table. At first, they suggested a preference for privacy but I, very kindly, reassured them that I had work to do and that they could carry on this one time. It was worth it, oooohhh it was worth it.

As I sat here, at my desk, I heard quite the interesting tale. It was about heartbreak and arson, mystery and conspiracy! Perhaps if I had mentioned exactly where they were holding the meeting and just who I was...but c'est la vie. One girl, whose name I discovered is China, apparently is on the run from AGIS. She claims they are forcing her to deliver some mysterious canisters at the threat of doom to her sister. What is within the canister, no one seems to know and China was very adamant about keeping it closed.

She also, apparently, is quite the fire bug, having recently set fire to the AGIS Medical Center itself for no reason but diversion. Her fellow meeters, at least one of whom goes by the name of 'Mak' and is a bounty hunter working for InSilico Security Services, run by NyCorp CEO Nyusha Yamasuka, offered to cover China as she took the canister to the AGIS Medical Center.

dear Readers, I do not know what exactly is going on but I warn you to watch yourselves out there. Clearly this China person is a dangerous, possibly unbalanced arsonist. She called herself a bot and spoke of a desire to feel otherwise, perhaps she is a sentient AI? Either way, it seems ISS's own personnel are involved in something very illicit.

Is there anyone we can trust?

-Stormy Weathers, reporting

-A quick postscript to my dear Readers: i followed the group to the AGIS Med Labs, curious to see how this affair would end. While some shots were fired and some people were detained, it seems the ISS members were actually bringing in the rogue asset China. it seems she had been ghost hacked by an unknown source and implanted with false memories. While she may still be considered unstable, she may also not be as dangerous as previous appearances suggest. be glad, dear Readers, that ISS and AGIS maintain their trusty watchfulness over us!
ISS Bags Some Harvesters
Harvesters Rampage Through Citizens, Kidnap a Baby

Sunday was an infamous day for our fair City. All out war took over the streets, bringing a death toll to citizenry and Gemini assets alike. As many of you know, our fair City is on lock down indefinitely, all passenger flights diverted or cancelled, all commercial aircraft being thoroughly inspected to ensure no further illicit activities can commence. Everything is slowly being rebuilt and much of our fair City's relief and renewed safety can be credited to the collaborative efforts of InSilico Security Services and the Advanced Genetics Institute of Science.

After the destruction of the IPS building and the subsequent loss of all AIDS drones, it seemed as if the chaos would never end. Crimes broke out all across the grid, murders and kidnappings, robberies and ghost hacks overwhelmed the law abiding citizenry. Many people were afraid to come out of their homes and reports of ransacked businesses were almost hourly. Even the popular Terra Firma was not safe from those with enough bullets and sticky fingers.

Thankfully, AGIS was quick to bring in outside resources, via their partnership with Vander Air and Space Corp(a weapons R&D company based in Mars) and supplemented ISS as control for the streets raged back and forth. ISS CEO, Nyusha Yamasuka, received supplemental jurisdiction during this time of crisis, allowing ISS to extend its reach to protect all of our fair City. This culminated in Sunday's battle between the notorious Underground boogeymen, the Ghost Dragon Harvesters, and ISS itself.

For those who have only heard whispers, Harvesters are the kinds of creatures you were sure were living under your bed at night, waiting to pull you into that darkness. The ultimate in street terror, Harvesters are generally rarer to spot than the mystical Sasquatch or Loch Ness Monster, tending to simply leave their gutted victims behind for anyone to stumble over. Rumours have it that they are obsessed with cybernizing themselves, the process done by street docs only leading to steadily overwhelming insanity. Other rumours have it that they work with local doctors, trading cybernetic enhancements for the organs of their victims. No one but the Ghost Dragon Syndicate really knowa but there's no doubt Harvesters are more than glad to be part of it.

The final showdown between the two groups occurred in the southern sector, after the Harvesters made a mad dash inside AGIS itself, kidnapping what was believed to be an authentic Laweson clone in its infant state. Gunfire and bombs exploded through the streets, ISS steadily gaining ground on the three Harvesters until they were forced into one last confrontation in the SpacePort itself. Speculation is circling that the murderous trio were attempting to escape on a flight out with the infant. Heroic efforts on the part of ISS put them into the ground and recovered the baby that ended up being a decoy.

Dear Readers, endless amount of gratitude and appreciation is due ISS and AGIS. It appears that modified think tanks from VASC have been left in the care of AGIS here in the city, they are friendly and helpful and here to help ISS keep the peace. ISS Agents have proven that they have extraordinary amounts of courage and nerves, going head to head with nightmares themselves. And just why were the Harvesters interested in the baby Laweson? What could the Syndicate be plotting in regards to that City Hero?

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